Onde Tem Amor Lyrics Translation in English
Althair e AlexandrePortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Onde tem amor
Where there is love
Tem tanto ciúme, alguma mentira
There is so much jealousy, some lies
Tem beiço virado, tem confusão
There are turned lips, there is confusion
Onde tem amor
Where there is love
Um dorme no quarto o outro na sala
One sleeps in the bedroom, the other in the living room
Tem noites inteiras de solidão
There are entire nights of loneliness
Encosta pra lá, encosta pra cá
Lean here, lean there
Devagar vão se ajeitando
Slowly they arrange themselves
Reclama de cá, reclama de lá
Complain from here, complain from there
Logo estão se agarrando
Soon they are clinging to each other
Um copo de bronca, um pingo de briga
A glass of anger, a drop of quarrel
E carinho pro sabor
And affection for flavor
Mão na mão devagarinho
Hand in hand, slowly
Rela, rela com jeitinho é o tempero do amor
Touch, touch gently, it's the spice of love
Onde tem amor
Where there is love
Tem tanto desejo, tem banho mais cedo
There is so much desire, there is an earlier bath
Perfume na cama e ninguém quer dormir
Perfume on the bed, and no one wants to sleep
Onde tem amor
Where there is love
Tem beijo e abraço, tem corpo suado
There are kisses and hugs, there is sweaty body
Só sei que do quarto ninguém quer sair
I just know that no one wants to leave the room