Tava Morto e Não Caiu Lyrics Translation in English
Capitão FaustinoPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Deu uma briga no comecinho do baile
There was a fight at the beginning of the dance
Com o Juquinha e o tal do Negro Geada
With Juquinha and the guy called Negro Geada
Por uma moça que dançava mui faceira
For a girl who danced very coquettishly
Em frente a copa pra mexer com a gauchada
In front of the counter to mess with the folks
Nesses bailão nós não usemo segurança
In these big dances, we don't use security
É o Gordo Pança com os facão bem afiado
It's Gordo Pança with knives well sharpened
Mas nessa hora ele até nem tava olhando
But at that moment, he wasn't even looking
E os dois brigando que nem dois galo enraivado
And the two fighting like two enraged roosters
Mas o problema é que este baile tava cheio
But the problem is that this dance hall was crowded
E esta peleia ninguém sabe ninguém viu
And this brawl, nobody knows, nobody saw
E o Juquinha deu uma facada no Geada
And Juquinha stabbed Geada
Com o baile cheio tava morto e não caiu
With the dance floor full, he was dead but didn't fall
Mas não caiu, mas não caiu
But didn't fall, but didn't fall
O baile tava tão cheio tava morto e não caiu
The dance floor was so crowded, he was dead but didn't fall
Mas não caiu, mas não caiu
But didn't fall, but didn't fall
Dançava com as muié, seguiu bailando de pé
Danced with the ladies, kept dancing on his feet
Tava morto e não caiu
He was dead but didn't fall
Mas não caiu, mas não caiu
But didn't fall, but didn't fall
O baile tava tão cheio tava morto e não caiu
The dance floor was so crowded, he was dead but didn't fall
Mas não caiu, mas não caiu
But didn't fall, but didn't fall
Dançava com as muié, seguiu bailando de pé
Danced with the ladies, kept dancing on his feet
Tava morto e não caiu
He was dead but didn't fall
E dali a pouco deu outra cena engraçada
And soon after, another funny scene happened
Porque o defunto dançou um xote afigurado
Because the deceased danced a peculiar xote
Com uma véia bem no meio do salão
With an old lady right in the middle of the hall
E alguns notavam que o chão tava ensanguentado
And some noticed that the floor was bloody
Dançou com a véia, com a Maria e com a Tininha
He danced with the old lady, with Maria, and with Tininha
E com a Aninha quase toda madrugada
And with Aninha almost all night
Elas diziam esse nego é bom de dança
They said, "This guy is good at dancing
Mas o defeito é que o diabo não fala nada
But the problem is that the devil doesn't say anything"
Mas o problema é que este baile tava cheio
But the problem is that this dance hall was crowded
E esta peleia ninguém sabe ninguém viu
And this brawl, nobody knows, nobody saw
E o Juquinha deu uma facada no Geada
And Juquinha stabbed Geada
Com o baile cheio tava morto e não caiu
With the dance floor full, he was dead but didn't fall
Mas não caiu, mas não caiu
But didn't fall, but didn't fall
O baile tava tão cheio tava morto e não caiu
The dance floor was so crowded, he was dead but didn't fall
Mas não caiu, mas não caiu
But didn't fall, but didn't fall
Dançava com as muié, seguiu bailando de pé
Danced with the ladies, kept dancing on his feet
Tava morto e não caiu
He was dead but didn't fall
E alguns até já tavam gostando da dança
And some were even starting to like the dance
Olho fechado, cabeça baixa bailando
Eyes closed, head down, dancing
Levava uns tapa pra não se atirar por cima
Took a few slaps to not jump on top
Mas ninguém via que era um morto dançando
But no one saw that it was a dead man dancing
Findou o baile o Sol veio despacito
The dance ended, the sun came up slowly
E o pessoal já começou a esvaziar o salão
And people started to leave the hall
Deu um griteiro e um estouro lá na copa
There was shouting and a commotion in the counter
E o defunto se esparramou no chão
And the corpse sprawled on the floor
Mas o problema é que este baile tava cheio
But the problem is that this dance hall was crowded
E esta peleia ninguém sabe ninguém viu
And this brawl, nobody knows, nobody saw
E o Juquinha deu uma facada no Geada
And Juquinha stabbed Geada
Com o baile cheio tava morto e não caiu
With the dance floor full, he was dead but didn't fall
Mas não caiu, mas não caiu
But didn't fall, but didn't fall
O baile tava tão cheio tava morto e não caiu
The dance floor was so crowded, he was dead but didn't fall
Mas não caiu, mas não caiu
But didn't fall, but didn't fall
Dançava com as muié, seguiu bailando de pé
Danced with the ladies, kept dancing on his feet
Tava morto e não caiu
He was dead but didn't fall