Cavalo de Simpatia Lyrics Translation in English

Carlinhos Brown
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Eu moro naquela terra

I live in that land

Onde canta tatu china

Where the armadillo China sings

Vaca véia comedeira

Old cow, big eater

Bezerra da ponta fina

Fine-tipped calf

Quando vejo

When I see

Trovão relâmpago

Thunder, lightning

Sol me parece com neblina, aiê

The sun seems like mist, aiê

A menina quando vê

The girl, when she sees

O seu amor verdadeiro

Her true love

Vestido todo no couro

Dressed all in leather

De uniforme de vaqueiro

In cowboy uniform

Quer na vida poesia

She wants poetry in life

E na lida companheiro

And a companion in the struggle

Inhô babalaô, inhô babalaô, inhô babalaó

Inhô babalaô, inhô babalaô, inhô babalaó

Canela tombou no mundo

Cinnamon fell in the world

E meu "padinho" é de valer

And my "padinho" is worth

Que de nós sabe lá deus

What God knows about us

Tudo pode acontecer

Anything can happen

Mundo de arroba e sítio

Pound and farm world

Onde a reza é pra chover

Where prayers are for rain

O meu cavalo morreu

My horse died

Cavalo da simpatia

Sympathy horse

Do cavalo tive pena

I felt sorry for the horse

Da mulher tive alegrias

From the woman, I had joys

Cavalo bom é difícil

Good horse is rare

Mulher boa é todo dia

Good woman is every day

Inhô babalaô, inhô babalaô, inhô babalaó

Inhô babalaô, inhô babalaô, inhô babalaó

Added by Carolina Silva
Salvador, Brazil February 18, 2025
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