Tirai a Pedra Lyrics Translation in English
Cecília de SouzaPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Estava enfermo lá em Betânia
He was sick there in Bethany
Lázaro o irmão de Marta e Maria
Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary
Foram então chamar o Mestre querido
They went to call the beloved Master
Mas, quando Ele chegou Lázaro já tinha partido
But when He arrived, Lazarus had already departed
Tirai a pedra, tirai a pedra, tirai a pedra
Remove the stone, remove the stone, remove the stone
Que Jesus quer operar
For Jesus wants to operate
Com Espírito Santo, Jesus vai batizar
With the Holy Spirit, Jesus will baptize
Se houver alguém enfermo Ele vai curar
If anyone is sick, He will heal
E quando Jesus naquele lar chegou
And when Jesus arrived in that home
Marta correndo aos seus pés prostrou
Marta ran and prostrated herself at His feet
Chorando assim disse: Ah, Mestre querido se estivesse aqui
Crying, she said, "Oh, beloved Master, if you were here"
Meu irmão não teria morrido
My brother would not have died
Jesus contemplando aquele coração
Jesus, looking at that heart
Diz: Eu sou a vida e a ressurreição
Said, "I am the life and the resurrection"
Chamou os seus discípulos que sempre o seguia
He called His disciples who always followed Him
E foram ao lugar onde Lázaro jazia
And they went to the place where Lazarus lay
Quando lá chegaram o Mestre ordenou
When they arrived, the Master commanded
Retirem essa pedra, e alguém a retirou
Remove this stone, and someone removed it
Olhando para o céu ao Pai Ele orou
Looking to heaven, He prayed to the Father
Com uma grande voz o Mestre ordenou
With a loud voice, the Master commanded
Lázaro sai para fora
Lazarus, come forth
Naquele instante Lázaro reviveu
At that moment, Lazarus revived
E os que ali estavam davam glória a Deus
And those who were there gave glory to God
Jesus é o mesmo, Ele ainda opera
Jesus is the same; He still operates
Mas é necessário que alguém retire a pedra
But someone must remove the stone