Gemedeira Lyrics Translation in English
Elba RamalhoPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Tava eu mirando a lua
I was gazing at the moon
Veio a moça a me olhar
Then the girl looked at me
Perguntei se era nova
I asked if she was new
Não custou me apaixonar
It didn't take long to fall in love
Num cavalo de São Jorge
On a horse from São Jorge
A mulher a galopar
The woman galloping
Sete léguas de paixão
Seven leagues of passion
Sem parar de suspirar
Without stopping sighs
Tava tocando viola
I was playing the guitar
Num galope a beira mar
In a gallop by the seaside
Ai ai ai é bom que dói
Oh oh oh, it's so good it hurts
Ui ui ui chega a sangrar
Uh uh uh, it almost bleeds
Gemedeira é que nem beijo
Moaning is like a kiss
Começou custa a aparar
It starts, it's hard to trim
Ela olhou pediu um xote
She looked and asked for a dance
Pra gemer bastou te amar
To moan, it was enough to love you
Tava sentada na pedra
I was sitting on the rock
Veio o dono a reclamar
Then the owner came to complain
Perguntou pra ver quem era não custou me apresentar
Asked to see who I was, didn't take long to introduce myself
Com cem tiros de pistola
With a hundred shots of a pistol
Sete furos de punhal
Seven stabs of a dagger
Sou violeiro padrão
I'm a standard guitar player
Ele não pôde escutar
He couldn't hear