Ponto de Bejada - Joãozinho da Mata Lyrics Translation in English

Juliana D Passos (Canal Macumbaria)
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Nas matas eu fui abandonado

In the woods, I was abandoned

Fui rejeitado, eu tive medo

I was rejected, I was afraid

Tão cedo lançado no vento

So early thrown into the wind

Relento da esperança

Relent of hope

Deixado e eu era tão criança

Left and I was so young

Mas na floresta me achou Jurema

But in the forest, Jurema found me

Guardou a minha vida pequena

She kept my little life

Consagrou-me à luz do luar

Consecrated me to the moonlight

A deusa do panaiá

The goddess of panaiá

Entregou-me ao colo de Tupinambá

She handed me over to Tupinambá's embrace

Hoje eu te dou proteção

Today, I give you protection

Sou teu irmão, sou João

I'm your brother, I'm João

E para mim mesmo

And for myself

Tudo que eu quero é carinho

All I want is affection

Chego com a chuva que cai

I arrive with the falling rain

Peço tua bênção do Pai

I ask for your Father's blessing

Sou da cascata, sou da mata, Joãozinho

I'm from the waterfall, I'm from the woods, Joãozinho

Added by Tatiana Fernandes
Lisbon, Portugal March 5, 2025
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