Pintinho Amarelinho Lyrics Translation in English
Músicas InfantisPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Meu pintinho amarelinho
My little yellow chick
Cabe aqui na minha mão. (Na minha mão!)
Fits right here in my hand. (In my hand!)
Quando quer comer bichinhos
When it wants to eat little bugs
Com os seus pezinhos ele cisca o chão.
With its little feet, it pecks the ground.
Ele bate as asas, ele faz "piu-piu",
It flaps its wings, it goes "cheep-cheep,"
Mas tem muito medo é do gavião. {BIS}
But it's very afraid of the hawk. {REPEAT}
Added by
Cátia Silva
Salvador, Brazil
February 24, 2025
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