PJL Juninho Lyrics Translation in English
PittaplugPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Eu tô sem advogado
I'm without a lawyer
PJL Juninho
PJL Juninho
A tática levou ele
The tactic got him
Só por causa de um pózinho
Just because of a little powder
Neguinho cadê o pó?
Little guy, where's the powder?
Ele falou: Pó procurar
He said: Powder search
Acharam na sola do boot
They found it on the boot sole
Já correram algemar
They've already run to handcuff
Que fita errada
What a wrong situation
'Tava na ruinha
It was in the little street
3 hora da madrugada
3 in the morning
Fitaram o jordan 4 e a cara tatuada
They stared at the Jordan 4 and the tattooed face
O mano 'tava justo voltando da caminhada
The dude was just coming back from the walk
Já liguei pro outro parsa
I already called the other buddy
Falou que tá no caminho
He said he's on the way
Isso não fica assim
This won't stay like this
Em meia hora tô subindo
In half an hour, I'll be going up
Já liguei pro delegado
I already called the police chief
Eles só compram comigo
They only deal with me
Vai sair o habeas corpus
The habeas corpus will come out
Não dou 5 minutinhos
I don't give 5 minutes
E essa história
And this story
Por pouco não se repete
Almost repeated itself
Quase pegaram o Henrique
They almost caught Henrique
Com o bolso cheio de beck
With pockets full of weed
'Inda bem que não encanaram
Good thing they didn't suspect
Igual com o outro moleque
Like with the other kid
Dessa vez passaram reto
This time they went straight
Sem folga pros pé de breque
No break for the brake feet