Maravilhosa Graça Lyrics Translation in English
Suelen SilvaPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Ele não merecia mesmo assim não reclamou
He didn't deserve it, yet he didn't complain
Por amor a humanidade Deus nem o seu próprio filho negou
For the love of humanity, God didn't deny even his own son
Foi ferido também humilhado inocente
He was also wounded, humiliated, innocent
Se entregou o castigo que estava
He surrendered to the punishment that was
Sobre ele nos trouxe a paz e salvação
Upon him brought us peace and salvation
E enquanto ele sofria lá no alto do madeiro
And while he suffered there on the top of the wood
A sentença que nos condenava com sua vida ele pagou
The sentence that condemned us, with his life, he paid
Graça, fui alcançado pela graça
Grace, I was reached by grace
Perdoado pela graça, por tua graça
Forgiven by grace, by your grace
Graça, fui perdoado pela graça
Grace, I was forgiven by grace
Justificado pela graça, por tua graça
Justified by grace, by your grace
Foi ferido também humilhado inocente
He was also wounded, humiliated, innocent
Se entregou o castigo que estava
He surrendered to the punishment that was
Sobre ele nos trouxe a paz e salvação
Upon him brought us peace and salvation
E enquanto ele sofria lá no alto do madeiro
And while he suffered there on the top of the wood
A sentença que nos condenava com sua vida ele pagou
The sentence that condemned us, with his life, he paid
Graça, fui alcançado pela graça
Grace, I was reached by grace
Perdoado pela graça, por tua graça
Forgiven by grace, by your grace
Graça, fui perdoado pela graça
Grace, I was forgiven by grace
Justificado pela graça, por tua graça
Justified by grace, by your grace
Vive Jesus vive para sempre ressuscitou
Jesus lives, lives forever, he has risen
Vive Jesus vive para sempre ressuscitou
Jesus lives, lives forever, he has risen
Graça, fui alcançado pela graça
Grace, I was reached by grace
Perdoado pela graça, por tua graça
Forgiven by grace, by your grace
Graça, fui perdoado pela graça
Grace, I was forgiven by grace
Justificado pela graça, por tua graça
Justified by grace, by your grace
Aleluia salvo somos por tua graça
Hallelujah, we are saved by your grace