Menino Homem Lyrics Translation in English

Renato Marinho
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

O menino cresceu, homem feito aprendeu

The boy grew up, became a man, learned

A lição do que é o viver.

The lesson of what life is.

Sem mãe, sem pai nem “ai” de dor, seu choro calou.

Without mother, without father, nor a "ouch" of pain, his cry silenced.

Nas curvas e estradas do seu chão

In the twists and turns of his land

Lhe ajudou muitas mãos!

Many hands helped him!

O menino sofreu pra chegar ‘té aqui

The boy suffered to get here

Enfrentou seu cansaço.

Faced his fatigue.

Sua mão, seu rosto e coração, seu Deus quem curou.

His hand, his face, and heart, his God healed.

Trilhou seu caminho espalhando amor,

He walked his path spreading love,

A quem mal só lhe fez!

To those who only did him wrong!

O menino entendeu que pra ser vencedor

The boy understood that to be a winner

É preciso aceitar perder.

It is necessary to accept losing.

Seu ser, sua paz e seu saber, tardou, mas, chegou;

His being, his peace, and his knowledge, delayed but arrived;

Encontrou o verdadeiro amor,

He found true love,

Um verdadeiro amor!!

A true love!

Nas ruas, calçadas, nos becos, sem teto

In the streets, sidewalks, in the alleys, homeless

Dormiu ao olhar as estrelas do céu, deitado ao léu;

He slept gazing at the stars in the sky, lying in the open;

Nos bares da vida mexeu nas feridas

In the bars of life, he touched the wounds

Na carne viva do ódio e rancor, ao tempo a vida ele entregou.

In the living flesh of hatred and resentment, to time, he surrendered his life.

Ao tempo a vida ele entregou!

To time, he surrendered his life!

HeróI de si mesmo, soldado de luto

Hero of himself, a soldier in mourning

Sua vida é fruto do que ele plantou.

His life is the result of what he planted.

Teve o seu perdão no seu mundo cão,

He had his forgiveness in his dog-eat-dog world,

Joelhos no chão... Aprendeu amar...

Knees on the ground... He learned to love...

Fora de si mesmo, arriscando tudo,

Outside of himself, risking everything,

Vagou pelo mundo sem ser vagabundo

He wandered the world without being a vagabond

Fotos pelo ar, memórias a passar,

Photos in the air, memories passing by,

O tempo a esperar...aprendeu a amar!!

Waiting for time... He learned to love!!

Ele aprendeu a amar!!!

He learned to love!!!

Added by Andreia Silva
Faro, Portugal February 16, 2025
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